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Concentrated tri-enzymatic disinfectant and detergent that quickly dissolves organic residues and quickly removes them from instruments.
Also suitable for washing and cleaning in ultrasonic devices.
Concentrated solution to be diluted.
The enzymes contained
- break down proteins, lipids and polysaccharides, helping to detach dirt more effectively and facilitating the cleaning action
- remove any biofilm present, thus enhancing the disinfectant effect.
Powerful virucidal, bactericidal and fungicidal action .
Dilute 0.5% in 1 litre of water (5 ml per 1 litre). Immerse instruments and equipment to be treated in the diluted solution.
Contact time: 10-15 minutes
Rinse instruments with water (demineralised if possible) before proceeding to other steps.
Maximum contact time: 15 minutes.
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